We want our patients to feel assured and excited regarding the quality care they’ll receive from Dr. Backiel and Associates. Our comprehensive dentistry in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is diversified to care for all our patients. Whether you are interested in finding a dental practice for a simple procedure, a family practice that will take special care of your children, or a state-of-the-art cosmetic dentist to enhance your smile, we will meet your dental health needs.
Implant Dentistry

A 52-year-old male presented with a fractured tooth, which required extraction. An implant was placed. In addition, three aesthetic crowns were also placed due to extensive decay on the remaining front teeth.
Aesthetic Trimming & Whitening
A 26-year-old male presented with a deep overbite causing chipping and fracturing of the upper anterior teeth. Orthodontic treatment is preferable, however this was not an option for this patient at this time. Therefore, aesthetic trimming and whitening were performed to improve the aesthetics of the patient’s smile.
Composite Fillings

A 27-year-old male presented with a retained baby tooth. Placing an implant is typically the ideal treatment; however, this was not an affordable option for the patient. Therefore, we added composite to the existing baby tooth to achieve a more aesthetic smile.

This 46-year-old male had extensive wear on his teeth from bruxism. Simple composite fillings were placed to improve the patient’s smile and restore the teeth to their original shape and size.